It's been a while

I've fallen behind posting here, but a lot of fun things have been happening. Working backward, this last wednesday I got to play at Freewheel Brewing in Redwood City. It was a great turn out, thanks to everyone who came. And thanks to all the musicians who made it happen: David, Ray, David, Alisa, Chris. Total treat for me to hear all the different sounds we could create. Thanks to Larry, the owner for letting us play there.  It's a fun family-friendly scene.

The weekend before, Eliza had a really nice block party where a few of us got to make noise for a few hours(!). Thanks to Herb (on flute!), Eliza, Alisa, Megana, Louis, (and Louis' Son!), Ray, and Craig for making such a fun musical space. That evening ended with world famous musicians who happen to live on her street leading us through a few songs. Thankfully Craig had a video camera, and he recorded a really nice video that I'll be re-watching years from now.

A few weekends before that, Jay John and I played for Lisa's 40th birthday party in Los Altos. Su-Lin took some really nice pictures and we made those into a band promo page. It was fun to play, and also really nice to catch up with some friends who I hadn't seen in a while.

Somewhere mixed in there, we were out in downtown Redwood City, and during the same night saw Ruth Gerson at Angelica's and then Raul Rekow's 60th birthday party at Club Fox. Ruth's music was moving, light, and deeply personal, a real treat. Raul pulled together a band and collection of friends in the audience who knew how to center everything on riding the groove. Oh my. Incredible energy. A block apart and an hour apart, they were a perfect complement to each other: melody and rhythm, sweet and savory, introspection and celebration, woman and man. A bit of magic.
